General Instructions
1. Withdrawal
Notice for withdrawal / cancellation of admission from the school must be given in writing one month in advance The school leaving certificate will be issued only after settlement of dues.
1. Fees
The fees will be decided by the school committee. Fees are to be paid before 15th of every month. For unpaid fees Rs. 20/- per day will be fined. Fees will not be accepted by the hands of students. The parents are required to pay the fees personally. Fees will be collected between 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. from Monday to Friday; Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in school office.
2. Evaluation / Examination
Test for evaluation will be conducted periodically at predetermined dates under due intimation to parents for all levels. Examination after quarterly, half-yearly and annual terms shall be held at prescribed months after advance intimation of date, time at school to children/parents.