Curriculum TCCS
Our curriculum aims at the cognitive, affective and psycho-motor development of the learner. The framework of the curriculum is designed keeping in view the mental age, the chronological age, the feelings, interests, aptitudes of children and is tailored to meet the needs of the educants.
It emphasises on renewing the dimensions of education for fostering human development in the present era of globalization. The 21st century is witnessing shortening of geographical boundaries and explosion of knowledge and the forays made in science & technology mandates universal approach to education to link the local community to the world society at large. Education is the powerful medium for growth, expansion & comprehension of diverse humanistic values and behaviours.
Our curriculum advocates scientific humanism with emphasis on broadened outlook, widened perspective, sensitiveness, dignity, standard of living, self - discipline, self -control, co-operation, mutual toleration, democratic values, social and international understanding.
Education is a dynamic process which guides to unfold the hidden powers of children. Sense organs are the gateway for perception of knowledge as most of the knowledge which the child acquires is imbibed through sense organs. "The education of senses makes man observer and not only accomplishes the great work of adaptation to present epoch of civilization but also prepares them directly for practical life". Ma'am. Montessori
Education psychology has proved that sense organs of the child are tremendously active between the age of 3 and 7. It is the major period of learning and habit formation. The intake readiness of children at this level of age is tremendous.
Our curriculum pattern believes that each learner has peculiar power and endowments and so each learner will be facilitated to progress at his, her own learning speed, by paying individual attention. Adequate focus on sensory training requirements which help sharpen the learner's sense of touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste which in turn accelerates their learning and assimilation of learning experiences have been integrated Into the curriculum.
Our school curriculum is designed to be of help to school children in self - learning, self - understanding, self - activity, self - expression and self - education and is based on the principle of Learning by Doing. Amalgamated into the scheme of learning methodology are requisites. such as, team work. play group dynamics & group activities, all aimed at accentuating the child's physical. intellectual, social and moral dimensions.

Subject ofCurriculum
Children up to the early age of 6 years can learn any language in the world if they are facilitated with suitable and proper linguistic environment. The journey of language teaching - learning process should be channelized through effective use of sense organs, in increasing the level of comprehension followed by assimilation and finally its application in communication purpose which is basically the essential purpose of learning language. Thorough emphasis is laid on all four skills of language learning, i.e., Primary skills - listening and speaking and the Secondary skills - reading and writing. The development of productive skills and receptive skills have been given equal weightage. With the acquisition of these skills. the learner is expected to learn to use language, especially, English in an effective way. Sounds, intonation pattern, known and unknown vocabulary, repetition along with action and gestures, expression, interaction, communication, punctuation, words building, eye-hand co-ordination and practical use of language are the areas of learning experience at the primary level. It builds the linguistic confidence of learner for learning at advanced level.
Children learn mathematics by playing and doing. The study of mathematics emphasizes on judgement and reasoning by utilizing children's senses, activities & direct experiences and secures their future progress from error and confusion. Mathematical tools kit equipped with concrete objects, plays a significant role for visualization of mathematical sense. The course of study is basically practical and is designed to kindle curiosity and interest among children.
Teaching of mathematical concepts using sepcialized mathematical tools kit is expected to facilitate learning and understanding, sense of numbers, numerals, symbols, geometrical shapes, operations, additions, subtraction, multiplication, division etc. They enable develop competencies, such as, thinking, identifying reasoning, logically correlating, analyzing and making comparison and classification.
Social Studies
Social studies dwell around the specifics of a child's immediate environment. At the early stage the child learns how to speak, talk, eat, live neatly and greet others respectfully. Making the child a better citizen is the need of the community. School is the place where the child is disciplined, and made aware of social attitudes, values and virtues. Learning to judge what is good and bad, right and wrong and adapt to social environment by understanding social relationship and social reaction are the prerequisites that are to be imbibed by an early learner. Through activities, such as, social festivals, social gathering, exhibition and socially useful productive works (SUPW), the child acquires the social attitudes and virtues of co-operation, manners, mutual understanding, confidence, tolerance, discipline, good habits, team spirit, self-help, humanity, good-will, self control and respect for others.
Cultural Studies
Cultural studies help children to know the cultural heritage of the nation. The ideal of one nation, one flag, one culture, is imbibed through cultural studies which strengthen the spirit of National Integration. Cultural education develops the understanding of cultural pattern, beliefs, ideals, manners, values, customs, traditions, new and old ways of life, dressing, eating, regional diversity, religious harmony of Indian Society.
The activities like dramatics, folkdance, folk music, songs, actions, group activities, festival shows, singing poems and ballads, puppetry, exhibitions, dress competitions, awaken the cultural interest among the children.
Nature Study
Children are curious about everything around them and desire to enjoy the pleasures offered by nature in their environment. Nature study focuses on helping the children to know the wonderful world around them and encourages them to observe and understand living things, plants, trees, climbers, bushes and animals. Shrubs, trees, flowers, fruits, seeds, crops, fields, soils, stones, birds, insects, animals, reptiles, hills, ponds, rivers, streams, wells, dams, canals, woods in the natural environment are familiarised through practical experiences, by way of visits to farm houses, local park, gardens, zoos and jungles. It facilities children to develop awareness that life depends on nature and feel motivated towards environmental conservation. Nature study enables the learners to use natural resources economically and properly and understand the perils of environmental degradation& pollution. Nature study is chiefly oriented towards making the world a better place to live through practical and joyful learning experiences.
Art Activity
Children are creative by nature. Hence they are provided ample opportunities to apply their innate qualities to help them realise their productive potential by participation in productive activities. Education of art aims at nurturing sensitivity and achieving sound mental health, through self - expression. Drawing, painting, clay modelling, sculpture, toy making, chart making, paper cutting & pasting, wood work, decorating, using simple musical instruments, dramatics, mimicry, producing sounds of animals, dancing and singing are expressions of art that needs identification and honing.
Art activities specially conceived for the purpose are those which would enable children undergo joy of free expression and that will expose their hidden potential.